Monday, August 4, 2008

fun weekend

we went to chruch on wed night for the goin' country party(hence the western shirt) and afterwards we participated in the youth's annual gutter gobble (really long gutter full of ice cream and fixin's) so fun but marley didn't want anything to do with the ice cream that everybody else was eating! she did enjoy a few handfuls of m&m's! yum!
we went to visit Ms. Lang (my friend in the nursing home). she loves our visits! She told marley that she was really cute and I said " say thank you, marley" and so marley said "thank you marley." ms. lang and i both laughed bc marley had never said that before!
this is marley and weezy patiently awaiting hunny bunny & papa's visit! marley really enjoyed having hb & papa here and weezy really enjoyed having hb here (sorry papa) ha.
marley started calling hb "honey" for the first time! it was so cute until we are at crispers for lunch and marley starts yelling "honey" bc we are talking and not paying any attention to marley and she wanted all of honey's attention!
marley was all about papa this visit. she is usually happy and excited to see papa but this visit all she wanted to do was play with papa! they played non stop! marley even watched golf with papa. marley is really good at spotting the ball.
not a good picture of me but is a really good pic of aunt jan and hb! aunt jan's first time to my house and we were excited to see her. she even got b-bo to play a few songs on the guitar. he played some songs that we sang in church a few weeks ago.


-K said...

I can hear Hunny Bunny laughing when Marley is yelling Hunny in the restaurant! Glad you had a nice visit.

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

Love the picture of Marley and Weezy. Sounds like you had a fun time with your parents. Everyone looks great!