Tuesday, August 12, 2008

another day with the kiddies

another babysitting day for us! Chloe spent the whole day here with marley! they were both standing in the baby crib when the bottom fell out! it was really funny bc they both just looked at me like "are we in trouble!"
no one was hurt and the baby elizabeth didnt wake up so no big deal.
marley has had many friends over to play but none as fun as chloe! or should i say none that let marley do whatever she wanted. usually marley will be all over the place doing her own thing and ocasionally play/check-in with whomever is here. today she and chloe never left each others side. if marley was getting into mommy's purse, so was chloe. if chloe was dumping weezys food into her water bowl, marley was right there with weezys towel.
marley pushed chloe around in the baby stroller for hours. marley would find different things around the house and give it to chloe. chloe only fell out of the stroller twice.
after i put chloe to bed with her binky, marley had to go find her play binky and pretend she was chloe. you can tell she doesnt use it bc she has the tennessee binky upside-down. and yes we are wearing matching shirts.

while the girls were napping, the boys came over to play. dane and walker come over on tuesdays while their mom is in staff meetings at church. this picture of dane and marley is from last tuesday.

1 comment:

Rachel@AllergenFreePlease said...

Love the matching T-Shirts!!! SO FUN!