Thursday, July 31, 2008

"here you go daddy!"

marley said her first sentence this morning!

her vocabulary has doubled this month and just this mornin' marley was eating a pop tart (i know, real healthy) and brandon asked her for a bite and she said "here you go daddy!" with her arm stretched out feeding him her strawberry pop tart. both of our mouths dropped. we were so surprised, which we shouldn't be bc she is OUR child!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

marley's new friend

yesterday daddy boy was working on a big project which was building shelves in the outside storage closet! ( they look awesome, by the way!)
on one of his trips in and out of the house a tiny frog snuck in to say hi!
mommy caught (froggy...thats his name) and held him for marley b/c she DID NOT want to tough him!she did blow many kisses at "Froggy" and admired from a distance but i couldn't talk her into holding her new friend!
Weezy also was excited about "Froggy" and wanted to see him!

sunday 7-27 Teaghan's baptism

the coolest part of the baptism service was when the pastors carried the newly baptized (wet haired beauties) up and down the middle of the sanctuary to show them off!
we were all sitting and waiting to take pictures after the service and marley looked so cute sitting on the bench that you kneel at the alter. Yes she's wearing an adorable dress (from Dee) and her lime green croc's ( which are the only shoes she wants to wear. well those and her pink and purple croc's that Kerry got her and they are like 2 sizes to big)!
we went to Teaghan's (beth & jared's) house afterwards for food and fun! this pic was taken in teaghan's play room! marley loves her lil "sweet T"!

7-25 Friday night in the tub!

marley absolutely loves the bathtub( or shower or pool)! she would sit and play in it all night!
cheezin' it up! with shampoo in her gorgeous locks!
how funny is she when mommy dumps water on her head!
still cheezin'
Thank you God for the water and bubbles, Amen!
marley laughing at me b/c she dumped water on my pants!

Monday, July 28, 2008

7-24 Mimi & Papa's

went to lunch at mimi & papa's to deliver some tastefully simple goodies that mimi had ordered! we could of had it shipped to her house but she wanted us (b-bo, marley & i) to deliver it and make it a lunch date! we did and we had a great time! papa showed us his garden in the back yard and we got to pick some green and red peppers to take home. marley enjoyed paying with papa and the peppers!
the horse says "nay"
mimi & papa have a little barn with animals and real keys inside. the same barn that daddy boy & his cousins used to play with when they were ity bity. this is the first visit that marley actually played with the animals all by herself while b-bo & i visited with mimi & papa!
marley "paying a toll" for daddy boy's help!
she found a hole to put the key in and was entertained for a good half hour! she would play with the lock then come and tell us "bye" then back to the lock and then running to tell us "bye" again and again!
she came to tell us "bye" and saw me with the camera and immediately said "cheese"!

7-22 Happy birthday Grandaddy!

We went to Clark's fish camp for dinner (Grandaddy mac's fav) Marley was really good and we got to see a lot of the family!
Marley enjoyed playing with rebekah and ethan and i have know idea how i managed to get them all to sit and look at my for a picture!
tickle tickle tickle!
Marley and Brooke (cameron's girlfriend) marley loves brooke!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Slacker Mom

Wow, time flies! Its been almost a month since my last confession.. ahh i mean blog! we have been crazy busy with vacation and just fun in the summer!
last week july 13-20th we stayed at the Foster beach condo! It was awesome! The 3br/2bath condo is right on the ocean with a pool! Marley had a blast at the pool, in the ocean and playing with Ethan and Rebekah! it took marley a few days to get used to the beach- she wasn't to excited about the sand and getting dirty! by the end of the week she was running all over the beach and loving it!

we brought her baby strollers (bc its her fav toy) and her and ethan would chase each other around the condo pushing their babies! marley let ethan push her baby dora (which is also a fav) and they had the most fun! we often saw marley pushing the stroller around with a beach bucket on her head. too funny!